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The first social media investing strategy maker.
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What is the FinFluencr Strategy Creator?
Social media has transformed the way financial information is shared online. Gen-Z retail investors get their stock ideas primarily through internet searches and social media: YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, X, Reddit, Facebook and more. Use the FinFluencr Strategy Creator to evaluate information online and seize opportunities in the social media age.
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What features would you like to see next?
Embedded Wikipedia links for companies, products and other financial concepts
SEC filling cross reference
Plot numerical data extracted from content
Sustainability and ESG analysis
Online Stock Idea Examples
Discover stock ideas from any social media platform
Where can I find stock ideas?Finfluencers on social media, financial news, blogs etc.
What do I get in my report?Investment thesis, portfolio optimization and backtesting
When will I receive the report?We do our best to send the report as fast as we can
How will I receive the report?You will receive your report at your email address
Will you share my information?Absolutely not!